Is it worth investing on Xbox or another platform?
The good thing about xbox is that you can take it wherever you want, it's a small video game, of course not so light, but today we have backpacks that give you comfort even with something heavy on them.
The Xbox is simple to put on the TV, and ready you're already playing with your friends, and having fun, so I say with all clarity that it is worth the investment, if you have an intenet you can play online with people from all over the world depending of the game you play of course, not all games have the option of online.
Xbox price
You find an xbox one nowadays for up to 330 $ dollars, in case you want customized, the game you like is a few dollars more expensive, nothing more than 500 $.
custom controls with decoration that makes you inspired to play, new controls with more technology, makes your player faster.
Of course these controls are not cheap some of them cost the price of a console, some controls reaches 300 $ dollars plus a common you buy very cheap.
so you understand the issue, it's worth buying the xbox nowadays, yes of course it's worth, for the price for the graphics, for the innovative desingner.

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