Why pc gamer is doing more success than consoles?
The consoles are a limited platform, however effective and complete up to certain points, and I explain why. for creators it's a problem because you can not create a very heavy game or huge map because the console would not hold up, it would take up a lot of space and maybe the gamer client would not buy because of that.
on the other hand we have the computer where you store a lot more space, and supports games that the consoles still do not even dream of. but not everyone has the money to invest in a machine to play these types of games, if the whole world were a United States of life, then we would have excellent games in 8 k running smooth, but this is not the reality of the world, nor Every American has a machine at home.
the consoles are perfect because they limit the creators in the size of the game, and leaving something controlled, and where everyone can have and play with other people equally. this makes the price and demand of games cheaper.
But we are beyond graphics
On PC it is easier to play online with friends and communicate at the same time, the console also has this option, however a little more annoying and limited, you can use 2 monitors and use one to chat with your friends who are online, and on the other screen you play.

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