How to create a video game game?
This will depend on which audience you want to reach, what you want from that game and where you want to go.
every day this most common companies make varied games like shooting, running sport etc ... plus what happens that, you will probably start with a small team and then try as much as possible to find people who have the same taste as you.
Before you start programming, you have to know what the target audience will be, it will be for boys boys, both for those who play online, of, both. what the audience, the age the taste.
if all this has decided, you will have to think about the story, the names of the characters and how they will be. Colors clothes size them. all this boring part of the game.
after all this is ready, more everything even to the maps. then yes you can begin to program the movements of the characters.
what happens is that nowadays, because of youtube, young people like to look for hester eggs, like to discover sinister things on the maps.
the game has to be updated always, but with good innovations, the public likes to be heard. communities created for this game. that's why game is art and culture.

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