Here comes another new console, it will be called Mad Box.
Many gaming experts are saying that the consoles are at their end. Many more do not agree, meanwhile a company is developing another new console, which does not just want to be a console and rather play face to face with Xbox and Playstation.
Incidentally goes beyond that, they said it will be much more advanced, it will be practically a computer, 4k games up, virtual reality games that drives you crazy.
Of course you will have a lot to dispute between face to face with play and xbox, they already have market years, however your marketing will explode pro the next issue, until the media wants to see it happen. they really want to know if it's going to be the right and big media will end up releasing these consoles for free, not to sell more to bet on the product.
the more gamers you have the better, so do not let the monopoly take over the market, today we have 2 platform only with auto graphic of course, xbox and playstation, so the more consoles you have on the market. the better it will be.
let's bet on the company, and hope that everything works out. the time to get ready is 3 years.

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