Current generation of consoles may die at any time say experts in games
Game experts say that the consoles are at the end of their lives, people will just play on the computer, like stream. But why did they say that?
Simply because we are seeing more people playing on the PC than on consoles.
I already start saying that this is not true and it will not happen like this, since the era 3 play and xbox 360, already spoke at the end of the consoles, and people already played too, pc games. what happens is that we gamers, we like to play on several platforms, of course there are still many fanatic fans on an exclusive platform, but many still like to choose to play on various platforms deferente.
What happens is that these experts forget that there are countries that the Internet is not that kind of thing, that to have a good internet has to have a lot of money, or companies have not invested much in speed, improvement or anything of the kind.
for example in Europe itself, there are countries that the Internet is still not very good, bad to give to play online, and it will take years, to reach a good speed, Latin America is precarious, there are countries that the internet is only for the rich.
so I say it's not the end of the consoles. It's not even close yet.

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